Michael H. Becker

Doctoral Candidate and Extremism Researcher


Michael H. Becker, M.A. is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Justice, Law, and Criminology at American University in Washington, DC. 
His research interests include the individual and group correlates of support for, and participation in violent extremism, process and outcome measures in P/CVE programming, and theoretical testing. His work has been featured in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, the European Journal of Criminology, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism,  Criminology & Criminal Justice, and Terrorism and Political Violence. 

Recent Publications

Vicarious Trauma in Counterterrorism Practitioners

Daisy Muibu, Joseph K. Young, Michael H. Becker, Sarah Lynch, Ethan Ferguson

2024 Jun 30

The Not-So-Silent “Majority”: An Automated Content Analysis of Anti-Government Online Communities

Bethany Leap, Michael H. Becker

Perspectives on Terrorism, vol. 17(1), 2023, pp. 103-123

Don’t Kill the Messenger: Perceived Credibility of Far-Right Former Extremists and Police Officers in P/CVE Communication

Daniel Koehler, Gordon Clubb, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Michael H. Becker, Michael J. Williams

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2023

Successful for Whom?: An Examination of the General Deterrent Impact of the Targeted Killing of Terrorist Leaders on Global Terrorist Fatalities

Daren Fisher, Michael H. Becker

Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 2023

A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing, and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world

Katarzyna Jasko, Gary LaFree, James Piazza, Michael H. Becker

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 119(30), 2022

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Politically Salient Stress and Support for Political Violence

An ongoing series of studies examining the relationship between politically salient stress and support for political violence.

Web Scraping for Prospective Data Collection

This project is an ongoing application of novel data collection methods to study for formation and adoption of extremist attitudes online.

Decision-Making and Support for Political Violence

This an ongoing set of studies examining the relationship between measures of decision-making and support for the use of political violence.

United States Federal and State Twitter Project

A Twitter web-scraper for all official accounts of members of the United States Congress, U.S. Governors, and National-Security relevant Federal Executive positions.


Michael H. Becker

Department of Justice, Law, and Criminology

American University

Washington, DC

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